Resources and Technical Documents


The Office of Accountability released a new guide “Understanding Student Placement for Ohio’s Differentiated Accountability systems.” This expanded guide includes the Where Kids Count Methodology as well as definitions and business rules for the Traditional Report Card, the Career Technical Planning District report card, and Dropout Prevention and Recovery Community School Report Card. 
Below are resources on how to read and use the report cards, as well as technical documentation on how the calculations work. In order to calculate a report card for each school, district and Career Technical Planning District, several accountability rules must apply.  

Report Card Disclaimers and Release Notes are available on a rolling basis. 


Traditional School and District Report Cards

Districts and schools report information for the Ohio School Report Cards on specific measures within six broader components. The components are Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Early Literacy, Graduation, and College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness (CCWMR). Districts and schools earn a star rating on the components and an overall star rating. This helps give Ohio parents and schools a snapshot of the quality of education they are providing to students. The complete technical document for the Traditional School Report Card walks through each component and calculation. For more information, overview and detailed documents are available at the links below. 

  1. Achievement Component
  2. Progress Component
  3. Gap Closing Component
  4. Early Literacy Component
  5. Graduation Component
  6. College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness Component
  7. Overall and Component Ratings
  8. Additional Data and Information

Career Technical Planning District Report Card

The Career-Technical Planning District Report Cards include specific marks of performance, called measures, within broad categories called components. They receive rating for up to six measures and four components. The Career-Technical Planning District Report Cards also include federal reporting required by the federal Perkins V law. The complete technical document for the CTPD Report Card walks through each component and calculation. 
  1. CTPD Achievement Component
  2. CTPD Graduation Component
  3. CTPD Career and Post-Secondary Readiness Component
  4. CTPD Post-Program Outcomes Component

Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Cards

​Community schools that serve a majority of their students through dropout prevention and recovery programs receive the dropout prevention and recovery report card. The dropout prevention and recovery report card has four components and uses three ratings for each measure – Exceeds Standards, Meets Standards, or Does Not Meet Standards. The complete technical document for the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Card walks through each component and calculation. 

Technical documentation about the previous accountability system and report cards are available for the 2019-2020 school year. 

An Accountability system crosswalk provides a comparison of the current Report Cards with prior Report Card system.

Last Modified: 4/24/2024 10:49:53 AM